from Action Planning Worksheet:
- What is our GOAL?
- Alternative Radio to air weekly on KRFC between 7am and 9pm.
- Of course many actions serve multiple goals. And we always need to remember that the processes of developing our organizations and skills are as important as urgent external goals.
- Who can give us what we want?
- GM is final programming decider (Board could override)
- Programming Committee aka Community Advisory Board makes programming recommendations
- Volunteer(s) to actually do the work to air AR
- Is there another audience who we also want to address?
- Who is most affected by this issue?
- potential listeners of Alternative Radio
- CSU Ethnic Studies folks for example
- people interested in environmental, economic, foreign policy, ethnic, social, and other justices
- Who is against us?
- PC: Joann, Louis, other members neutral or slightly against
- volunteers: probably several, including Dianne
- Unsure where General Manager stands
- Possibly some board members
- Who are our allies?
- CSU Dept Ethnic Studies
- Some PV Greens, STPers, CJPEers
- Some petition signers and other SGRers
- Probably Eric Fried
- David Barsamian, producer of AR
- possibly news team members, esp. Elizabeth Bailey
- Who might become an ally?
- Neutral PC members
- Public Affairs and other programmers
- Who can we try to keep neutral?
- General Manager (maybe, could be polarized)
- non-partisan PC members
- non-partisan Board members
- influential volunteers, perhaps staff
- How do we get people who are with us to be willing to step it up a notch?
- prepare them very well (talking points, contact info, possible future steps)
- give them a copy of AR they'd enjoy
- give them a sense this is a winning team if possible (many people won't join an unknown team)
- support them before and after, have coffee, elicit and listen to their cherished values
- What resources do we have right now?
- membershp list
- Sally, Paul, David Barsamian, probably other SGRers if we ask
- telephone, email
- contacts with STP, CJPE, PV Greens, Uproot
- person-hours (parts of KRFC could really use volunteer effort)
- Obamamania
- Willingness of CSU Ethnic Studies dept to write an official letter
- Possibly favorable press via Eric Fried
- What are our weaknesses in resources?
- inside information
- how best to advocate for AR?
- who are the formal and informal decisionmakers?
- where do they currently stand?
- what are their underlying concerns (which we could proactively address)?
- what is our leverage on them?
- campaigner organization and cohesion
- What efforts have we already made to achieve our goal?
- Sally chat with General Manager
- Paul, Carla, Sally attend Program Committee meeting
- Paul strong contact with David Barsamian, obtained AR disks to share
- changes to mission statement
- Taking all of the above into account, what is our best Strategy for using our resources to achieve our goal?
- Make a list of decisionmakers and at least speculate on questions above. For example PC members will have a concern about hurting an existing programmer whose time could be shortened.
- neutralize GM and Board and perhaps other likely anti-AR-ers like Dianne
- apply pressure to Programming Committee while simultaneously anticipating and resolving as many of their concerns as possible aka Getting to Yes.
Now it's finally time to pick a Tactic that works strategically toward the goal:
My guess -- first tactics could be aimed at neutralizing anti-AR-ers who typically use partisan taste-based
arguments and sometimes coercive influences on others. One possible method would be to ask questions
to elicit discussions about, and subtle affirmations of, principles-based high-quality procedures by which
programming decisions are ideally made.
- What is our message*?
- the message needs to fit into a clear story that we can tell about the issue
- principled adherence to station charter is a "professional" responsibility -- personal taste is almost never appropriate
- What tone* do we want to take? (shaming, supportive, educational, confrontational, mourning, celebratory…
- nonjudgementally inquisitive -- learning about great parts of KRFC work
- supportive of people doing this principled work
- When will we act? (Timing)
- Where will we take our stand?
Logistical timeline leading up to and through the event:
Counterplans for various anticipated reactions (rain, small turnout, police block our path)
if they ______________________ we will ____________________________________________
if they ______________________ we will ____________________________________________
if __________________________ we will ____________________________________________