new mission statement discussion page 2

KRFC 88.9 FM
Homegrown Community Radio for Northern Colorado

new mission statement discussion
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Joined: 03 Jun 2003
Posts: 35

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject: procedural next steps   

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, and our bylaws are imprecise.

A sucessful petition, as I read things, says that this board-unanimous
mission proposal cannot be adopted without a vote by the membership.
However the board is not forced to hold such a vote -- that is their

It is still possible to adopt a new mission without a membership vote.
The board could unanimously consent to a new proposal, and if that
proposal addressed enough concerns, petitioners would not materialize.
The upcoming "round table" discussions may be a place to
shape a new proposal.
Paul Bame C83E DA06 4DA5 1385 78C7 B959 8DD4 04FF 7ED8 7D57


PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:57 pm    Post subject: Blues   

In regards to the recent forum discussions of the controversial revised mission statement:

guest wrote:
...tactics that seem quite appropriate for the maintenance of Ballard’s ‘soft totalitarianism’. I would urge all to resist such tactics and allow that a general vote does take place. That seems to me to be the ‘larger dialogue’ that should take place now.

Kevin Foskin

I'm glad to hear that Foskin is urging everyone to resist the tactics aptly suited to Ballard's 'soft totalitarianism'. I heartily agree. Denice Clark was nearly in tears at the March 4 meeting when one perpetually disgruntled member likened KRFC leadership to Fascism. There's no need for anything of the sort.

I'm comforted to see that Foskin has come a long way since June 8, 2005 when he wrote: "I will not be associated with (nor give freely my creative time and effort to) a group of individuals who are turning this radio station into a Stalinist camp where no one has the right to voice his or her opinions as to how this station is run and operated."

CUE SOUNDTRACK "Talkin' John Birch Society Blues"

Arbuthnot Guldenhorne
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