Fort Collins

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2005-02/Feb Jeff Rowan resigns from Program Committee and KRFC

Jeff Rowan writes:

Below is the letter I wrote explaining why I felt it necessary to resign from the Programming Committee at the end of February, 2005. I'm posting it here in the hope that it will contribute to awareness about issues at KRFC that should concern us all.

2005-02/Feb Programming Comittee chair Kevin Foskin resigns

Sent in 2005 to the KRFC Programming Committee shortly following the first "firing" of Eddie Arthur.

2005-01/Jan Programming Comittee chair Kevin Foskin on Eddie being fired

This is the initial e-mail sent to the programming committee and board by the acting facilitator in response to Beth Flower's announcement the Eddie Author was being dismissed from the radio station.

Beth and the Board of Directors, as current facilitator of the KRFC Programming Committee I'm confused.

2004-12/Dec James Thompson's Here We Go Again article

Published in the Rocky Mountain Bullhorn in Dec 2004:

Here we go again
By James Thompson

I thought it was too good to be true. An alternative radio station right here in Fort Collins, where I and others searching for real, independent media could hear and produce programs to counter the vast monolith that purports to inform the masses?

2004-10/Oct Kristianne on Beth Flowers' conduct

To Don Flick and the KRFC Board of Directors,

2004-06/Jun Bethany Kohoutek's Growing Pains, Bullhorn Article

Published in the Rocky Mountain Bullhorn in June 2004:

Growing Pains
KRFC prepares for major changes to its broadcasting schedule.
By Bethany Kohoutek

Less than two months after KRFC FM underwent a shift in top-level management, some leaders at the one-and-a-half-year-old grassroots radio station are seeking to implement even more sweeping changes.

important letters and articles

These letters and articles from various community members give a brief history of the developing struggle at KRFC.

Cast of characters:

  • Bethany Kohoutek - Reporter and editor for the Bullhorn
  • Bullhorn - the now defunct Fort Collins alternative weekly newspaper formally called the Rocky Mountain Bullhorn
  • Kevin Foskin - KRFC DJ, KRFC Programming Committee member, CSU professor
  • James Thompson - KRFC News Ranger, KRFC Public Affairs Committee member, host of KRFC's Bullhorn Talk Show, reporter for the Bullhorn

mission-related history

These are some events prior to KRFC changing the mission statement which may help interpret that event

compare the missions

KRFC's board of directors voted March 16th, 2006 to adopt a new mission statement despite a petition from members, many of whom were convinced by comparing the original and proposed missions. You can also review the each step on the way to the board's selection.


History of Community Radio and Takeovers

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